scenes from our school day...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lord, please make our school (and our church)
a place where deep connections are formed...

a place where love heals...

a place of safety...

a place that fosters love for You as the first priority...

a place where wisdom and learning abound...

a place where bodies are healed and needs are met...

and a place of joy and true friendship.

Lord, may the light of your love shine in this little school.
May You be glorified here each and every day.

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Waitingfaithfully said...


I can feel the love and hear the laughter in the pictures you have shared--and in that HE is glorified!

Thank you for a glimpse into your day!

Blessings ~


Kathleen T. Jaeger said...

Looks like a great day/school! Fun!

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