Why India? (part 4)
Our God is so very kind. He loves to encourage us and He loves to answer our prayers. He loves to give us little indications that we are on the right path, and He always shows us if we are on the wrong path. This simple journey to India has been a lesson in listening to our Lord. He has been gently guiding me along the way, and there is no doubt in my mind where He is leading. He has used a variety of creative ways to show me His will and to help me engage my will.
For example, a few months ago, I had emailed Jennifer, asking for prayer regarding a decision that David and I were making. I mentioned later that this possible decision might interfere with whatever God wanted to do in India (of which I had no idea what it could be!). This is how Jennifer responded.
"I spent time at a woman's conference at our new church two weekends ago...there I met an American woman, married to an Indian man and they have 4 children...after living here for 3 years so he could attend Bible college, they are moving back in the fall to open another children's school/orphanage. She spoke of her life as it is when they are in India at the conference. He spoke of their work in detail on Sunday morning. It was so hard to hear how tough it is there; but it's funny...I thought of you over and over and over."
a little confirmation
Then, after God had made it clear that I should go to India, and I was knee-deep in paperwork for our visas (okay, okay, I admit that I am a big wimp when it comes to paperwork!), God did something so thoughtful. I was filling in the information for my passport and I realized that if I had waited even just a few days to start this process that my passport wouldn't have had the required 6 months left on it to apply for the visa. I would have had to get a new passport, and I probably wouldn't have been able to go until later in the fall or winter.
another little confirmation
Then, one day when I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all that needed to be done to get ready for our trip, God did something so very kind. I was driving by a garage sale (I hardly ever go to garage sales and hadn't been to one all summer), and I said to the Lord, "Lord, I need a little encouragement. Could I find a skirt (to take to India) at this garage sale?"
Well, I stopped and looked around for a few minutes. There was a small pile of clothes near the side of the yard. And guess what?! In that pile was an ankle-length (necessary for women in India), cotton (necessary for the heat) skirt in my size! I tell you that is really a miracle. I am tall and it is very hard to find long skirts in my size. This one was perfect. When I went to buy it (for $2.00), the woman said, "I still really like that skirt, but I just thought that I'd put it in the sale. I wore it in Europe."
"Oh. I'm going to wear it in India."
She smiled.
Our God is so very kind. He loves to encourage us and He loves to answer our prayers. He loves to give us little indications that we are on the right path, and He always shows us if we are on the wrong path. This simple journey to India has been a lesson in listening to our Lord. He has been gently guiding me along the way, and there is no doubt in my mind where He is leading. He has used a variety of creative ways to show me His will and to help me engage my will.
For example, a few months ago, I had emailed Jennifer, asking for prayer regarding a decision that David and I were making. I mentioned later that this possible decision might interfere with whatever God wanted to do in India (of which I had no idea what it could be!). This is how Jennifer responded.
"I spent time at a woman's conference at our new church two weekends ago...there I met an American woman, married to an Indian man and they have 4 children...after living here for 3 years so he could attend Bible college, they are moving back in the fall to open another children's school/orphanage. She spoke of her life as it is when they are in India at the conference. He spoke of their work in detail on Sunday morning. It was so hard to hear how tough it is there; but it's funny...I thought of you over and over and over."
a little confirmation
Then, after God had made it clear that I should go to India, and I was knee-deep in paperwork for our visas (okay, okay, I admit that I am a big wimp when it comes to paperwork!), God did something so thoughtful. I was filling in the information for my passport and I realized that if I had waited even just a few days to start this process that my passport wouldn't have had the required 6 months left on it to apply for the visa. I would have had to get a new passport, and I probably wouldn't have been able to go until later in the fall or winter.
another little confirmation
Then, one day when I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all that needed to be done to get ready for our trip, God did something so very kind. I was driving by a garage sale (I hardly ever go to garage sales and hadn't been to one all summer), and I said to the Lord, "Lord, I need a little encouragement. Could I find a skirt (to take to India) at this garage sale?"
Well, I stopped and looked around for a few minutes. There was a small pile of clothes near the side of the yard. And guess what?! In that pile was an ankle-length (necessary for women in India), cotton (necessary for the heat) skirt in my size! I tell you that is really a miracle. I am tall and it is very hard to find long skirts in my size. This one was perfect. When I went to buy it (for $2.00), the woman said, "I still really like that skirt, but I just thought that I'd put it in the sale. I wore it in Europe."
"Oh. I'm going to wear it in India."
She smiled.
a little encouragement
Don't you just love Him?! Isn't He so incredibly thoughtful and kind?!
Thank you, Lord, for your care in every little detail of our lives.
I do so love you, Father and I love following wherever You lead.

You continue to bless me with our friendship and inspire me to grow in my faith. You know you can count on prayers from us during your journey to India. God will do great things through you and sweet Lily. Blessings, Jennifer
Oh Sarah....I do love His goodness and His little messages that He sends us and the blessings that we get along the way. I am praying for this journey!
I am SUPER encouraged to read about how God is working in your life and speaking - really talking to you ~ Amen & AMEN!
Bless you my Dear "Little" Sister and our precious Lils on this journey. Feel free to bring me back the kiddos I long to adopt ~ K?!? :)
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