A couple of people have asked me if they could ship some things to me to take to SCH. That would be wonderful! You can send me an email if you're interested in contributing and I'll give you my address.
Here are some of the things that they need. Used would be totally fine on a number of these things, as long as they are still in good condition. Thanks so much!
--CPR Manikins like these.
--"Pumie" sticks (pumice sticks for cleaning hard-water stains from tile & porcelain)--they could use tons of these
--Hair bows & jewelry for girls
--Baby toys
--Bottle brushes
--Duffel bags/sports bags (used is great)
--Baby bags/backpacks
--Tape: Masking, duct, clear strapping
--Cheap washcloths from Walmart
--Caladryl Clear
--Cranberry pills for UTI's
--Kiddie scissors

We're away this weekend but will gather up some things to send when we get back. Great timing on some of these things with all the back to school sales!! :)
what's your deadline for needing the items (that still gives you time to pack and get it organized)?
I would love to send some things! When would you like them so you can get packed?
Hi Sarah! In lieu of sending items, we made a donation to SCH (via India's Hope) in your honor. Such amazing work you (and they) are doing! May you be blessed in your travels.
I don't know if they'd be open to this, but Hannah started taking D-Mammose pills for her chronic UTI's post Japan. It has cleared up all of his issues in an amazing way. I sent her countless cranberry pills in Japan, to no avail. After researching this issue in depth, I discovered that cranberry pills are often counter productive to fighting off chronic UTIs. D-Mammose is actually a form of sugar that prevents e-coli (the cause of most UTI's) from adhering to the bladder walls. I found Hannah's D-mammose at our food co-op. Now she is on a maintenance dose. Too late for me to send any your way, but you could mention it while you are there and see if they are open to it. I could always try to send some on directly.
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