"Why India?" (part 3)
At this point in the story, God had given me two dreams about SCH, and it was clear to me that He had something in mind. I just didn't know what!
Then, David and I heard about a group of women who were going to SCH to visit and help for two weeks in September. We were praying about my going. On a Saturday morning close to when the group was going to buy their tickets, I told David that we would need to make a decision very soon. David prayed in faith that God would give an answer. Later that afternoon, David went to the Prayer House (if you want to know about the Prayer House in our city, go here. You will be so encouraged!)
At this point in the story, God had given me two dreams about SCH, and it was clear to me that He had something in mind. I just didn't know what!
Then, David and I heard about a group of women who were going to SCH to visit and help for two weeks in September. We were praying about my going. On a Saturday morning close to when the group was going to buy their tickets, I told David that we would need to make a decision very soon. David prayed in faith that God would give an answer. Later that afternoon, David went to the Prayer House (if you want to know about the Prayer House in our city, go here. You will be so encouraged!)
It was a prayer week (we have 24/7 prayer one week per month at the Prayer House) and a sister who was there asked David if she could talk to him for a minute. She said that while she was praying, the Lord said to her, "Sarah should go to that orphanage." Now, this sister knew a little bit about SCH, but she had NO IDEA that David and I were praying about my going. She also said that she wasn't praying about anything related to us or to orphans or India (etc.). She simply heard His voice.
Isn't our God so very kind?! He just loves to answer our prayers. He gives us the answers we need, right when we need them. The sister shared some other things that I'll have to save for a little bit later. But, honestly, I can't wait to see what God is going to do!
And in other God-answering news: Jadon is doing great! The doctor said that his mouth looks good. Please keep praying that the tissue would heal together and the stitches would not break (so far, so good).
The doctor also said (drum roll here...) Jadon can actually do whatever he wants to do, as long as he doesn't bump his hip or mouth! So, I'm not sure what happened to 5 weeks of restricted activity, but I can say that Jadon (and his parents!) were very grateful to hear this news!
If you have a moment, I would sure appreciate your prayers, because even though Jadon is doing wonderfully, Jadon's mom is pretty tired :). Please pray that I would be a blessing to my family and all those around me, and that I would have sweet fellowship with Jesus. Thanks so much, dear friends. I know that He'll answer!

I love the way the Lord uses His people to guide one another in His ways--sometimes very directly, without even knowing what we're doing! He sees the great BIG picture . . . and we talk, and walk, by faith!! I'm so excited about India for you!!
Praising him for Jadon's beautiful recovery! Wow! Praying for continued healing of the tissue. Thank you Lord that Jadon is free to be an active boy!!
Father, I pray that you would give Sarah strength and rest in the days ahead. Protect her time Lord, and give her sweet communion with You to restore her soul! You are faithful!
Love and blessings~
My spirit's jumping about your coming.
Oh Man!! I love it when he does that- answers so clearly- it is so amazing!!
I love when you share your faith- it is so uplifting and encouraging!!
So happy Jadon is doing well and can increase his activity!! Praise the Lord!!
praying for you and your journey!
So beautifully orchestrated. I love that about our God. Are you collecting any items to take (or are any of the other gals?)? Let me know what you're keeping your eyes out for and I'll shop with you and mail things your way as it gets closer.
Strength, peace and rest to your body and spirit as well!
Oh Sarah......I will be praying for you. Tina said everything so beautifully......God uses you in my life so much. Your words are a constant strength to me and peace when I need it. I am praying for you to get peaceful rest and regain your energy. I am so thankful for Jadon's recovery and the way that you have given Him all of the glory! Praise the Lord!!!!!
I am REALLY excited about India and I can't wait for the next part!!!!!!!!
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