au revoir

Thursday, August 19, 2010

sweet summer days...

David got off from work early yesterday, and we took the kids to the park.

We enjoyed the sunshine.


And the playground.

Yana had a fun time balancing.

As did Adam (Jadon wanted to stand up, as well, but mom was too worried about his mouth and hip!).

Uncharacteristically, Dad laid down to rest for a few minutes.

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But that didn't last for long.

Dad's the best jungle gym

And hugger.

He's great to sit on.

And to snuggle.

Eventually Dad left his "peaceful" spot to play tag.

Ahhh...the last day of summer for this crew.


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Jean said...

That looks like so much fun!! I wish it wouldn't go by so fast!!

Our dad is also the best jungle gym!! But the big bros come in handy, too!!

James, Dawn and Family said...


Gwen said...

So fun! I started back to school today, and the kids go back on Tuesday, so we're savoring the last days of summer here, too.

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