
Friday, June 15, 2012

There are somewhere between 143,000,000 and 206,000,000 orphans in the world today.
143,000,000-206,000,000 children who have little value in the eyes of the world.

But, to our Father
their lives are of inestimatable value.
In fact He made these precious ones,
in His own image.
He endowed them with value
in their mother's wombs.

He loves them with an incomprehensible love.

And even though it saddens me that the world has rejected these precious children, I am encouraged to discover (more and more) that there are those who truly value and love orphans with the love of the Father.

One way that orphans are being valued is by groups of people who have taken the financial stewardship that was given to them by God, and have sown that into the lives of children and families. We have been over-the-top blessed by a number of grant organizations on our adoption journey and I wanted to share a little bit about each one.

The Oath Adoption Ministry: We received the kindest letter, along with a grant check, from this church ministry. They truly love orphans!

Show Hope: Show Hope offers free TCU training materials to each family who applies for a grant! We are so blessed by their generous grant to our family and also by their desire to truly see children heal.

Katelyn's Fund: We had the most amazing time of prayer with the Katelyn's Fund volunteers. They have been an encouragement to us both spiritually and financially.

JSC Foundation: Just yesterday, JSC Foundation sent us an email telling us about their generous grant (woohoo!!!). We are truly humbled by their kindness and love.

You might remember from this post, how we lost all of the money that we had saved for our adoption. But, I want to tell you that God is faithful! He has supplied even more than we lost, through the generous hearts of the people in these organizations. And I know that every single one of them would want to give Him all of the glory for this!

Our Father truly does value these precious children.
Thank you, to all of you who value them, as well.


No Greater Love said...

Woooohoooo!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooo happy for you guys. :) God is so good.

Shonni said...

Amen!!!! So happy to see what the LORD is doing in your family!!!

Nikki said...

Ditto what Mer said!!! Sooooooooooo happy that God is helping provide! I'm seriously choked up!!!

Waitingfaithfully said...

Thank you Lord for your wonderful provision!!!
Thank you Sarah, for giving Him the glory!

So thankful for each one of these amazing organizations-- for the work they do, and for their love poured out on the orphans of this world.

He is faithful!

Love and blessings~


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