So now I'll back up a bit...
When we arrived on Saturday, we drove the 6 hours from Chennai to Ongole. That was also an experience! Wow! I've never heard so much horn-honking. Lily insisted that she wasn't tired, and kept her eyes on all of the sights for the whole ride. It was great to start to get to know Theresa (who is here with SCH full-time). She's definitely fun! We stopped for tea and chippattis along the way. Very yummy!
After getting to Ongole, we settled in, ate a late lunch and then visited the children's home. Oh my! What precious little children. It was neat to finally meet all of those little faces in person. We went back to Sarah's place in the evening and Lily fell asleep on the couch. So, we made it an early night and went to bed.
On Sunday, we went to the village church. That was wonderful in many ways. I was so encouraged by the worship time. I kept thinking of Holy Trinity fellowship (my home church) and how we were connected in worship of our Lord. What a gift!
After church we ate lunch and then headed out to the Bay of Bengal. Sarah, Sarah's daughters, Theresa, Erin (also soon-to-be with SCH full-time) and three little sweeties from Victory Home joined us. It was Lily's first-time swimming in salt-water with waves. She loved it! Two of the Victory Home cuties did not love it..although they had a great time in the sand. One little boy had a blast in the waves. He smiled and laughed every time the water rolled over his legs.
It started getting dark and we tried to visit the boys at Angel Home. The power went out shortly after we arrived, though, and we had to go. It was very dark! We'll try to visit again before we leave for home.
Yesterday, after a great worship time, we spent the day at Victory Home. We worked with some children on sitting and standing, as well as speech issues later in the day. We also sorted clothes, took kids outside in the courtyard, and loved on those babies. Lily adores little Aloe, and she had fun giving out necklaces and hair barettes (thanks to Sarah J., Laurel and Mary). We tried to take 8 kids to the eye doctor, but when we arrived the eye doctor wasn't in. Oh well! Try again another time.
Sarah is trying to email David some pictures, so he may be able to add some soon. If not, I'll be sure to post some pictures when we get home. Thanks so much for your prayers. David and the kids are doing wonderfully. I'm missing them, and am so glad that Lily is with me. She's been doing great.

1 comment:
Thanks for the wonderful update. It sounds like you and Lily are fitting as much as possible into each day. I'm happy to hear that everyone in Colorado is doing well! Thinking of you, and praying for you!
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