Still Going Great

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hey Friends,

Thanks so much for your kind words! You are all so wonderful! I just wanted to clarify that things are still going GREAT! Kaikai is amazing and I'm sooooooo happy that he loves his baba. I hear "Baba?" and "Baba, cutie-ba!" all day long and it is music to my ears!!! Kaikai runs over to David and gives him hugs, wrestles with him, sits on his lap and loves to be carried around by him. BUT, he's fine with me too. He lets me rub his back, he asks me for help, he smiles at me and he gladly holds my hand. Mama is okay in his book. I'm just not over-the-top wonderful, like baba. And REALLY, that is okay with me. It was just in that moment that I felt overwhelmed, and I wanted to let you all know that it's normal, in case it happens to you, as well!

So now, on to some photos of the past few days...


Gwen said...

Love the updates and pictures. Looks like you have a smaller travel group this time. How's the weather in Guangzhou? Looks like it's been nice.

Jean said...

Love the pics!! What is that white building? Did you do the pearl River cruise? We have never done that- would you recommend it??

BTW- we are leaving for China on Jan 11th!! WoooHoooo!

Aus said...

Loving following your journey - love GZ - one of my favoriate places on earth - and yeah - know all too well the "what have I done" moments - they pass - and they are a part of the journey...I pray that one day you learn to savor those moments too!

hugs - prayers - aus and co.

heidi said...

Dearest Sarah,

I've so enjoyed the blog posts, the photos, the FB updates from China. Kai Kai just looks like the sweetest boy. What a smile. The previous photos that you received did not do him justice. You can just see this light within him so ready to just fill up his new world.

I wanted to thank you for your honesty yesterday. I think it could really help all parents to acknowledge those "what have I gotten myself into" moments. I too had them with each of my three children--although they had been in my womb for 9 months, every time I'd get home from the hospital, I'd run the gamut of emotions--from full on post-partum depression with my first, to a more mild but long lasting depression with the second, to perhaps just a few scattered anxiety attacks with the third. It got better each time because I knew from experience that "this too shall pass." It helps to know it yourself, from within, but it also helps to hear it from others. Each time you take on the responsibility of caring for another person, it seems only natural to wonder if you are up for the task. It can be overwhelming at first. And it is change. Any kind of change, whether we label it "good" or "bad" is a transition and transitions cause stress.

So much love to you all.


Nikki said...

I just love every post and picture you update...thank you for taking us on your journey with you!!!! We continue to pray for a smooth transition and for sweet little Kaikai!
May God continue to bless you & your family!!!

Colista said...

Can he be any cuter? :) For realio. What a fun trip!!! Wondering if you are exhausted by now?!
Praying that things continue to go well.
I love that he loves his Baba. :o)

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