He has overcome

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My dad had a biopsy this past week. They found out that he has cancer in his lungs, but it is a very slow-growing sort of cancer. We were grateful for this news, as we were expecting something far worse. I am so glad that we will have more time with my dad on this earth.


A precious, precious friend lost her mother today. My heart is breaking for this family. Would you pray for them? Five boys are grieving the death of their beloved grandmother. She was truly a woman of God and is most definitely in the presence of our Mighty King.

But for those she has left behind...

It is hard.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

So grateful that our The Faithful One never leaves us or forsakes us. He truly has overcome this world.


Lisa said...

I'm sorry about your hard news. Thankful you are resting in God's grace. And I agree...I'll miss chatting on Friday! See you next week. :)

Jean said...

So often the good news is weaved within the not so good news- He will overcome!

Thankful that your father received good news and so sorry for your friend and their family. Praying for them as their hearts are aching...

Kent and Mari said...

Ah, I love that verse. For a long season it was a strong comfort. Good to read it again now for the current trial the family is in.

With love & thoughts to the griefs your friends are bearing.

Kent and Mari said...

Ooops...Sarah it is me Kathleen commenting as Kent & Mari. I'm using my sister-in-law's lap top. :={

Aus said...

Prayers offered - so hard to loose a loved one - and thankful for your Dad's news, while not the absolute best it's a good start!

hugs - aus and co.

heidi said...

Sorry to read about your dad Sarah, but glad to know you have more time . . . much love. Heidi

Sarah said...

I will be praying for your Dad and you dear friend. Love you!!

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