Happy Daddy's Day!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful dads out there!

I'm just so incredibly grateful that my children have a Father like David.

He's kind, affectionate, enjoys playing and working with his kiddos and loves them with the deep love of God.

Happy Daddy's Day, sweetheart!

And Happy Father's Day to my own dad!
I love you!!!


No Greater Love said...

Hope you had a fun Father's Day, David. :) You are pretty wonderful. And Happy Father's Day, Mr. Kalliokoski!!!!

Waitingfaithfully said...

Such sweet pictures of David and his many blessings. I especially love the "daddy sandwich"--with Jadon and Adam!



Cheri said...

How sweet getting all the pics of dad. I love the pic of your father. I can see his eyes in your eyes. Special.

Brad and Renae said...

Great dad pics ! Sweet.

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