adoption thoughts from David

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sarah has been writing about our journey to adopt sweet R. If you missed those posts, you can read what she wrote here and here. Now it's my turn to tell you a bit of what God was saying to me!

My wife had told me that due to paperwork issues, we had three weeks to make a decision about adopting R. Though Sarah was confident that the Lord had been speaking very clearly to her, we both agreed that I also needed to hear from Him. During that three weeks, I prayed about adopting R, but honestly, not very much. Then, at the end of the three weeks, I had this dream:
Yana brought a large frog home from school one day. Unfortunately, she wasn't much interested in it and nobody else was interested in it either. So it just sat here for about 3 weeks without much food or activity (insufficient attention for a frog). Then one day, I was carving frogs out of rocks, so I decided to use the frog as a model to learn how to bring out the features of the frog in the rock. I realized that the frog had not had much water and was not given a chance to go to the bathroom. It was in this sort of wrap thing. I started to unwrap the frog to get a better look at it and discovered that it was actually not a frog, but rather, a baby!  At first I was shocked. Then I began to wail, as I realized the neglet that this child had suffered in my house.  It was my fault that the baby had not been fed or cared for. I wondered what other suffering this child had experienced. The flood of emotions that came to me in that moment was overwhelming. I was on my knees crying loudly.

When I woke up, I knew that I had neglected my call to seek God diligently regarding adopting R. But in His great mercy, the Lord allowed me to see as He sees. He constantly seeks to bring our hearts closer to His heart, and it was now clear to me that adopting precious R. was His heart for our family. 


No Greater Love said...

Really the Lord spoke so similarly to both of you...

David with this dream....and Sarah with the vision of Grace falling in the river.

I find that very encouraging!!! Our God is so faithful.

Naomi said...

WOW!! The Lord does speak through dreams!

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