Only Love Lasts

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
1 Corin. 13:1

See that only Love tells.  Only what is done in Love lasts, for God is Love, and only the work of God remains.
The fame of the world, the applause given to the one who speaks with the tongues of men and of angels, who attracts admiration and compels attention, it is all given to what is passing, is really worthless, if it lacks that God-quality, Love.
Think how a smile, or a word of Love, goes winged on its way, a God-Power, simple though it may seem, while the mighty words of an orator can fall fruitless to the ground.  The test of all true work and words is--are they inspired by love?
If man only saw how vain is so much of his activity!  So much work done in My Name is not acknowledged by Me.  As for Love.  Turn out from your hears and lives all that is not loving, so shall ye bear much fruit, and by this shall all men know ye areMy disciples, because ye have Love one toward another.
God Calling, page 185

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susieloulou said...

We won't need faith or hope when we get there! :-)

Sarah said...

In the past few months, I continue to say to myself "No clang, clang" I will not be without His love, walking in it, sharing it with others, because His love never fails.

Be blessed bunches,

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