on my mind...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Last night, I went back and forth between nightmares of Haiti, and nightmares of having my teeth cleaned. I in no way mean to belittle the events in Haiti by comparing them to a teeth-cleaning, but I'll admit that I'm a big baby when it comes to the dentist. And even after meticulously flossing every single day for the past year, I ended up having lots of tartar again and a very painful cleaning. Then today, I had to get novocaine and a filling repaired. It's 4:30 and I'm ready to crawl into bed. (okay, I'm going to stop whining about my silly teeth now, and be grateful for dentists who have fixed a lot of things in my mouth!)

Before I go to sleep (which, of course, will not actually happen anytime soon), I'd like to put in a plea for everyone to email their senators regarding the situation in Haiti. It's really very easy. Go to and scroll down to "senators". Find your two senators and send them an email asking that they support every measure to get all orphans who had been living in orphanages at the time of the earthquake, to get out of Haiti and be flown to the U.S. It really does make a difference. Then, find an organization that you trust, and donate whatever you can to relief work in Haiti. Many people are without water and food. They need every person to help.

On a much, much brighter note, some of the Haitian orphans are already in the U.S. Their new families have come for them and they are together forever, at last. Praise our wonderful God!!


susieloulou said...

I love your blog and/but I can't help posting about my latest dental obsession. It's I have so many cavities and was bad about flossing, now I haven't flossed since October 2008 and my teeth feel great, and my hygienist is amazed! Check it out!

Difference2This1 said...

I'm a terrified dental patient also. Even watching the kids get worked on send me into a tizzy. About died when I had to sit with Robyn on three different occasions and get 8 fillings. Seems like people who haul themselves all over China with various kids multiple times ought to have gotten over our dental woes. We all have our burdens to bare I guess :)

Gwen said...

I'm with you on the dentist thing. I am due for a cleaning and have been putting it off!
The devastation in Haiti has also been weighing very heavily on my heart and mind.
Wish I could do more...

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