Spicy Girl!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Our little Guizhou girl likes things hot and spicy! Here is one of her favorite snacks.

Make sure you get enough!

Take a big bite!

Mmmm...that is good!


Gwen said...

Sarah likes salsa, too! It's been interesting to see what she likes eating and what she's not so fond of.
Some of her favorites: corn on the cob (we had lots of corn in China), ramen noodles, ham, and eggs.
So far she doesn't have much of a sweet tooth. Is Grace this way, too?

Kim said...

A girl after my own heart...the spicier the better!

Cute pictures of your spicy girl!


Tammy said...

How cute! Our Guizhou girl loves salsa, too.

Jill and Rick said...

Oh, I can't show Annie. (from northern Guangxi, which is just south of Guizhou, believe) She LOVED salsa until the "throat doctor" (ENT) diagnosed her with reflux and said "no more salsa" for our baby. :-(

She misses her salsa, but she understands as much as a three year old can understand!


Andrea said...

Isn't that just CRAZY!
mary Elizabeth will NOT eat it unless you can smell it for a mile away! The spicier the better!
can't say that I blame them, though.
Thanks for stopping by.
Your babies are beautiful!


Waitingfaithfully said...

Mmmmm, Grace! May I come have some salsa with you? Too sweet! As always, lovin' that Grace smile!!



Difference2This1 said...

She's such a cutie!!!! I love her smile!

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