sweet music

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Last week, I shared a little bit in this post about how the Lord has been showing me that my passion must be for Him, my life must be in Him, and my joy must overflow from my relationship with Him. I admit that this hasn't always been the case over the past few months. A lot of times, I have simply been going through the motions, without the passion.

But, no more!

On Friday, our precious Jesus spoke very tenderly, very personally to my heart. He also made it clear that I haven't been obeying. I have been neglecting the things that He has called me to be about.

And friends, it was music to my ears.

That's just how it is with Jesus. Even when He corrects us, He's so incredibly kind. His discipline is better than the most lavish of praise from man.

In a moment, Jesus took my sin and threw it into the sea! Then, He let me experience great joy, a renewed passion and an overwhelming love that could not be contained. And I'm not talking about emotion here. I'm talking about a deep knowing in my soul that He has redeemed me and set me free, and that anything that He asks of me is pure joy to obey.

Friends, there is nothing like the pleasure of loving and being loved by our King. There is nothing like the joy of obeying His every call. There is absolutely nothing like hearing the voice of Jesus, speaking your name. Truly, it is the sweetest music that you will ever hear.


rottweiler puppies Miami said...

nice post

Cheri said...

That is so true! Nothing like being in communion and obedience to your Savior.

No Greater Love said...

Amen! There is nothing like knowing you truly are hearing from Him and obeying His voice. True communion.

Jean said...


I too have had a straying soul...

I even went so far as to tell hubby... I am beginning to forgive God... huh... really... I had a bone to pick and I held on to it. Along with allowing the world to creep in...

It just doesn't work that way and God so kindly called me back...

So thankful!
I cannot do this without my LORD!

Praising HIM !

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