making plans...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I overheard this conversation between my boys.

Jadon:  Adam, what do you want to do when you grow up?  I'm going to be a Bible smuggler.
Adam:  (with great excitement in his voice)  We could work together!  I'll translate Bibles and then you can take them to the people who need them.

They went on..talking and making plans...where they should live, which language/people group they would serve, how the Bibles could be smuggled...
Precious boys.
True brothers in the Lord.

May all your plans for love and service come true.

(and just because I LOVE this old photo...)

Thank you so much, to all of those who have been praying for Jeremiah's family.  Please continue to pray that God would be very present to them in the midst of their pain.  Pray that their hearts would be at peace, knowing that their beloved husband/father is safe in the hands of our precious Lord--that they could truly say, "Death has no sting!"

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Jean said...

I love that photo, too!

I appreciate your good wishes! I have some dreams that I am waiting on God to make them come true- dreams to serve and dreams for the orphans!

Love the conversation between your boys- what wonderful hearts they have!

eliz said...

Memories like that are what carry us through the hard difficult parts of our lives. Your boys are precious! What amazing men they will be for God! They already have servants hearts!
(((HUGS))) to all!

The Byrd's Nest said...

What a precious conversation....they must get their Jesus lovin' hearts from their Mommy:)

Praying for your friends...oh this must be such a difficult time for them. I'm so sorry.

Holly said...

Dear Sarah,
I do think arranged marriages can work ;)
I actually mentioned that very thing to Halle but she wants to allow God to lead her. Hmph!
We must talk...China AND Ukraine...the very places on my heart....
can you email me when you find a minute?


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