My Adam

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It would be difficult to clearly express how much joy I get out of this young man. It is such a pleasure to have him as a son. Sometimes, he sort of fades into the background in a group of people, but that is simply because he feels no need to be the center of attention. He is content to enjoy the moment and the inward workings of his mind. He is my sensitive chld, and has always had a heart for anyone who is hurting or in any kind of difficulty. He rarely complains about anything that anyone has done against him, and he defends others if he believes that there is any question about their innocence/guilt. He is unflinchingly honest and will volunteer information about anything that he has done wrong. He also loves the Lord with all of his heart, and is so very receptive to anyone who can teach him about God and the things of the Kingdom.

This picture is a perfect example of his sensitive, loving spirit. It was taken on the day that we visited Grace's orphanage. Adam is in the background, and as you can see, he is deeply moved by the experience. His new sister was crying, and it was breaking his heart! After this picture was taken, I walked outside with Grace. Adam asked me why Grace was crying. I said that I thought that she was worried that we were going to leave her there (she clung to me the whole time we were there). Adam was so upset. "We would never leave her mom!! We would never leave her!" You're right, sweet boy. We would never leave her.

So, now at this point, Grace pretty much has her gege wrapped around her little finger. And he loves every minute of it!! I often hear, "Come Adam!" when she is in a bind. And Adam always hurries to her rescue. Here he is--a willing prisoner.

And here Adam is, helping Grace with her doll's shoes. Playing with dolls may not be Adam's favorite activity, but he sure does love playing with his little sister.

Reading together is aother favorite activity. This is something that they both really enjoy.

Oh, how very grateful I am for the sweet, sweet love of this precious boy!


Gwen said...

Adam is such a sweet and caring big brother!
I have enjoyed watching my older boys interact with Sarah. She brings out a tenderness in them that is so nice to see!
And, like Grace, Sarah has her brothers wrapped around her little finger, too!

Andrea said...

Sweet boy.
I was looking over your reading list.
Susan also has a book called For The Family's Sake!
Triple Love it!

I read it once or twice a year.


Jill and Rick said...

Oh Sarah, the picture of you all at the orphanage has me in tears too. What a gift you have in your Adam. Beautiful post.

(mom to my own special Adam!)

Waitingfaithfully said...


Don't you just love how God created Adam with such a sensitive heart for others? The Lord has given him such a perfect "big brother" personality. You and David have done a beautiful job as well, in training him up. What a treasure Adam is!

The picture of Grace and Adam snuggled up reading is precious. The picture of Adam wiping tears from his eyes at the orphanage makes me want to cry--such an emotional day for everyone.

Thank you for sharing about your special guy!



Difference2This1 said...

Wow! Adam sounds like a most wonderful kid! What a blessing he must be to your family!!! :)

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