
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Well, we decided to go ahead and get all of the kids' passports. We haven't completely decided whether or not we will all go to get Grace, or if just Lily and I will go. There are a couple of reasons that Lily will go no matter what. First of all, it is very hard for Lily if I leave even for the day. She just really wants to be with me, and it is stressful for her if I am gone from her for any period of time. The other reason is that she is really ready to see China again. She started asking questions about China when she was two years old, and hasn't stopped asking since!

But, we are leaning towards all going. The other kids know that they may stay home with Dad, and they are fine with that. But, they are also extremely excited about the possibility of going to China. They are so ready to get Grace and it would be wonderful to be able to meet her as a family. We may overwhelm her a bit, but I guess that she has to get used to us all at some point!

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