
Sunday, July 10, 2011

I don't know if you've ever noticed, but I have some really unusual eybrows...really unusual.
My saving grace has been that my eyebrows are so light that they're not really noticeable.
So...along with my legs that get shaved about twice a year

That is...
until Meredith and I went to the mall.

Meredith was buying cute girl clothes,
but I was showng great powers of restraint.

As we were walking out of the last store, we went past the eyebrow threading kiosk.
mmmhmmm...eyebrow threading
I casually mentioned that I've thought about having my eyebrows threaded (is that the right verb tense...?).

"Why don't you do it now?" Meredith asked.
"When's the next time you'll be here without kids?"

She had a good point...
So, I plopped down my $10 (so much for restraint), and had a seat.

If you haven't ever heard of eyebrow threading, here's a photo:

The only difference between this photo and my experience is that in this photo the woman looks very relaxed and there are no tears streaming down her face.
No tears streaming down her face.

The very kind young woman who threaded my eyebrows informed me that "some people can take it, and some people can't."
I guess we all know what kind of person that makes me.
But, in my defense, I think that I mentioned that I do have very unusual eyebrows.
I'm thinking that made it much more painful than it is for the average person.

I actually like how it turned out, though.
I might have even posted a photo.
Except that 24 hours later, it still feels like my eyes are sunburned.
Not thinking that's normal.
But, then again, I do have very unusual eyebrows...

image signature


No Greater Love said...

Oh I am laughing!!! That was so fun, though. And your eyebrows do look beautiful!

Kim said...

LOL....You are so cute...unusual eyebrows and all. Just Kidding...I have NEVER thought you had unusual eyebrows. Thanks for the laugh.


Shine Like Stars said...

I'm so sorry I'm laughing! But I totally understand! I get mine waxed about twice a year because the pain is horrible and I refuse to pluck because that hurts too.
And I'm SO glad to know that I'm not the only blond, non shaving girl in America. :)
P.S. Can't wait to see you!!

Difference2This1 said...

Well, I never noticed that your eyebrows are unusual. But, I have no idea what eyebrow plucking is either so I guess I'm not a good judge of eyebrow style :) I'm pretty sure after reading your story about the pain, I'll save my $10 if I'm ever in the same situation!!!!

Blessings, Jennifer

Cheri said...

I have no idea what that is! I'll have to ask my daughter. I dont have long eyebrows or even beautifully shaped brows. They are ugly. I'd love to see a picture!

The Byrd's Nest said...

I have never plucked mine either but was thinking of doing that because I saw someone having it done in Puebla when I was getting my hair cut. I think not now:) lol

Anonymous said...

I always liked your eyebrows and I studied them in great detail during our late-night sleepover conversations. I can remember them quite clearly (but maybe that supports your theory that they are somehow unusual).

I've never heard of eyebrow threading. I must be out of the loop. It does support the theory that I've been living on a sort of island for the past two years.

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