Well, I asked myself that question when I looked up the temperature yesterday and it said that the high was in the 90's but it "feels like 112".
It acutally said that.
It feels like 112.
I'm from Minnesota.
It's cold there.
And September in India isn't looking much cooler than July.
So, it's not really the weather that is drawing me to India.
So why India?
The language in Ongole is Telugu. To be honest, a year ago I had never even heard of Telugu. Can't even say "hello" in Telugu yet.
So, I guess that it's not my vast lingual skills that are calling me to India.
So, why India?
Well, the answer is simple really...
because God has asked me to go, and there is absolutely no other place that I'd rather be than right in the center of His will.
And I am so totally excited.
If you saw the pictures of the kids in the post below,
you know that they are beautiful and precious.
Absolutely beloved
of the Father.
I know it's true,
because He's done some amazing things in my heart, on their behalf.
Of course, He's done some amazing things in the hearts of those who live and work at SCH full time. They're giving their lives for these children, and I am so very grateful.
One thing is for certain.
Our Father is thinking of these precious children
a lot.
Here's the first of many stories that show that's true in my own life:
Two years ago, I had never heard of Sarah's Covenant Homes in India.
But I had a dream.
A dream that I now know has a whole lot to do with SCH.
It also has a whole lot to do with the church in the U.S., but I'll save that part of the dream to share at another time.
In the dream there was a little girl. We were waiting to adopt Grace, but I knew that the girl in the dream was not Grace. She was older than Grace and had curly hair. The little girl was crying and in obvious distress, so I picked her up and comforted her.
Fast forward about a year-and-a-half.
David and I were sitting on the couch in our living room. We were discussing something that we had talked about at church the night before. Earlier in the day, I had recalled the dream that I had had, and I was reading it to him from the entry in my journal. I looked up and there on the refrigerator was the little girl from the dream.
How could I have missed it before?
It was totally obvious now.
There is a little girl from SCH whose picture is on our refrigerator. We pray for this little girl regularly. Because I had forgotten about the dream, however, I had never made the connection that this was the same little girl that was in my dream.
The dream that I had months before I ever knew about SCH.
Do you see it?
God is for her.
God is for each of these beautiful children.
He loves them.
He's revealing His heart for them.
And, of course, He's not just doing it in me.
He's doing it many of you, as well.
He may not be calling you to India and SCH.
But, He is calling many of you.
I'd love to hear more of your stories.
How has He called you to the least of these?
Or how has he called you those who seem to have it all together?
God certainly knows that there are many Americans who desperately need His love, too.
I'd love to hear more of your stories.
How has He called you to the least of these?
Or how has he called you those who seem to have it all together?
God certainly knows that there are many Americans who desperately need His love, too.
Please share!
I know that it will be an encouragement to many.
I know that it will be an encouragement to many.

When I was around 11, I can remember sitting on my bed and thinking or daydreaming. I can vividly remember seeing a little toddler girl in the road with long black hair and she was Chinese. I can remember thinking that I wanted or needed to adopt a little girl from China. What I find crazy about that is back then {1986ish} China wasn't even doing international adoption, so it could have only been God placing that burden on my heart at that time. Fast forward almost 20 years and my husband and I went to China for our very first adoption to bring home our Cali Sue. Now I thought we were done with our family with 2 boys and 2 girls, but then God revealed a much bigger plan just two years ago and we now have 6 kids and counting!
Bless you as you journey to India. How exciting to be traveling in the midst of our Father's will. Bless you, bless you, bless you!
mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted
In 1999 I was pregnant w/Will. We were working despertly trying to keep him in a while longer & keep my blood pressure down. It took nearly 5 years to get him. When the Dr's said they had done all they could do-it was in GOD's hands. James got down on his knees and prayed--"if you save him, we'll adopt. we won't ask for another to carry". That night, I dreamed vividly of a lttle chinese girl w/a scar on her chest and her neck. She was very tiny. Six years later there was a sweet little face on AAC website who seemed so familar. Who I felt so connected to. The day we got her, I realized she was familar b/c she was the child I dreamt of 6 years earlier. The same tiny body, scars on her chest and neck. It was a surreal moment and the fullfilment of GOD's promises! With Sofi's adoption-we were blessed w/Lize too.
Wow, these are amazing stories!! For us, we knew God prepared the way for our adoption, from beginning to end.
It took some time to understand the direction we were supposed to go-- we looked at Korea for awhile, then Taiwan, then domestic... and then my heart was opened to SN Chinese adoption.
I was praying that I would know my daughter when I saw her face. And I DID. Such a feeling of peace and gratitude washed over me when I saw that little photo. It was truly one of the most powerful and spiritual experiences of my life.
So excited for you as you prepare for this new journey!
God bless!
I love all of these stories...and if my head wasn't full of so much Spanish right now...I would share also:) I am so happy for you...it is such a peaceful place to be living in the will of our Father isn't it? Big hugs my friend!
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