Whatever happened to Acts 2? -or- Why I live in America (part 2).

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"And everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions, and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. And day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved." Acts 2:43-47

In the post below, I said that I want to be the sort of person who would love to give myself away for the love of God and for others. I said that the church in America is desperate for this sort of person.

But now I am going to say something more.
I am going to say something very un-American...

No one can do this on their own.

No matter how good a person might be, no matter how much that person loves God, no matter how wonderful of a ministry he/she might have, one person


is not
and cannot be
the Church.

In the early Church, the disciples shared with all who had need, broke bread together each day, were of one mind, had glad and joyful hearts...

When they gave their lives to Christ, it meant something. When they gave their lives to Christ they did not just pray a prayer of salvation, but they gave themselves away for the sake of their precious Lord, and for the sake of their brothers and sisters. They gave up their old way of life and took on a completely new way. They actually believed that they needed their brothers and sisters to call them on to live this new way of life.

The Way

Where is this Church in America?

Where is the Bride of Christ? His beautiful Bride, for whom He is coming back?

I'm afraid that it is all but absent.

all but absent

but not completely absent

And that is why I live in America.

Because I believe that there are still those in America who long to live like the Bride of Christ. I believe that there are still those in America who recognize that the Church in Acts 2 was just a baby Church, and that we are supposed to actually be more mature, more commited to love, more willing to give our lives away than the early disciples were.

I actually even know some of these outrageous and crazy people.

totally bizarre

They're actually trying to live as if The Book were true.

crazy, I tell ya

absolutely crazy

(Care to join us?)

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Melanie said...

I love this post and I have actually been thinking along the same lines alot lately. The day may come sooner than we think when we will have to come together as the body of Christ and live like the early chrstians in Acts 2. America is changing before our very eyes and our freedoms are slowly being taken from us. Right now we are able to go about our daily lives as though nothing has changed, but for how long? Healthcare has passed, what other changes are coming our way? A line will be drawn when Christians will have to decide how they will live...Not meaning to sound like all doom and gloom...I just feel that we are living in a time like no other. I also believe that it would be glorious to live like the early church...daily prayer and worship, fellowship, watching and waiting for our Lord to return. Seeing miracles and new belivers added awesome would that be?

Anonymous said...

I'm with you forever, my friend....forever. :) Do you think we'll feed cows in heaven, though? Cause I really miss that.

Jo's Corner said...

I just found your blog today....WHERE have you been? : ) I Love this post! It really spoke to my heart and soul. And, it is All SO true!
Looking forward to getting to know you through your Blog! Oh, and you have adorable children!
With His Love ~ Jo

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