About a year ago, I was at a Global Awakening conference. Randy Clarke was speaking about our opportunity to give to their ministry. I will never forget what he said because it has greatly impacted my understanding of giving.
"Plunder Hell with your finances."

In other words...
Advance the Kingdom.
Defeat the enemy.
Give with an eternal perspective.
He encouraged everyone at the conference to shout out, "Plunder Hell!" as we dropped our offering into the offering box.
Woohoo! What a blast!
Just think of it...
we can plunder Hell just by gving out of the abundant wealth that God has granted to us as Americans.
We can truly affect the eternal with our finances.
What a privilege and an honor!
So, I just want to encourage you.
If the Lord gives you the desire and the ability to help with Genevieve's sugery,
you can know that you are truly plundering Hell as you hit that chip in button.
You are acting on behalf of our generous Father to give to this precious child.
And if the Lord calls you to give more to your church, missions, orphans, etc.
please know that with each of these things you are plundering Hell.
You are affecting the eternal.
isn't it?

I just happened across your blog today...look forward to getting to know your family better and your fight for the orphans as well.
I love this Sarah! Plunder hell!
I will be back soon to plunder hell on behalf of sweet Genevieve!
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