I'd love to hear your ideas!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I have been so encouraged by many of your lives and the things that you are doing to help your children learn to love God and others. I'm wondering if you can help me. Could you share with me what sorts of things you do to help your children learn to love those who are either close-by (but are not immediate friends or family) or who live far away?

To start the ball rolling, I'll tell you about two small things that we've done that seem to really help our children to see others through God's eyes.
First, we have the childen write letters and draw pictures to the children that we sponsor through Compassion. We've sponsored a couple of particularly sweet girls in India and this has encouraged our children's interest in India. As a result, they also like to pray for the incredible kids at Sarah's Covenant Homes (, and the work that Sarah and others are doing there.
Secondly, Yana was very concerned when we passed by anyone holding a sign, asking for work, money, etc. A friend of mine always has bags of food ready to give to these precious people, so we decided that we would do the same thing. We simply fill up a few small bags at a time and keep them in the car, so that we always have something to give as the need arises. Of course, if possible, we try to talk to these people, as well. Preferably, the children initiate the conversation and the giving of the bag of food.

So what do you do with your children to cultivate the love of Jesus towards others? I know that you will have some great ideas! I'd be so very grateful if you would share them with me. I truly want to give my children the gift of a life given over to the love and service of God and others, and I know that many of you have that same desire. Thanks so much for your help!

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Goosegirl said...

Sarah, I love your bag idea. I may borrow it!
Our family helps with a ministry that serves meals to the homeless in a local city. More recently, we have been making dolls to send to orphans in Haiti. This is going slowly due to schedule craziness but it has been in the forefront of their minds.
Thank you for asking this question. I am really interested in what responses you get.

Gwen said...

One small thing we have done in the past is to send care packages to the little guy we sponsor at New Day. I try to involve my kids with this process and they enjoy helping choose things to make and/or send.
I really like your idea of "care sacks" for the homeless.
I am interested in reading about other ideas people have!

Green Bus said...

Hi Sarah,

One thing that I used to do with my kids was to have them volunteer with me when they got older at a family shelter (starting at about age 10). I don't know if they have such a thing in Fort Collins, but here they have a few family specific shelters. It was just good for my kids to play with kids there same age, and see that 1) there were homeless kids; and 2) these kids weren't that much different than they were. There was always plenty for me to do as well--such as preparing snacks for the families to serve in the evening or help with homework. We have a very well-organized shelter system in this country and I make a point of financially helping out the shelters as well because I know that these funds are supporting direct services that the homeless need.

Heidi (Fettig) Parton

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