I just love Easter. As a Christian, this celebration is the high point of the year. The resurrection of our beautiful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is a fact that is beyond compare. There is nothing else like it! The One who created the universe chose to die for us and give us new life. What can compare to this?!
But, as our pastor said yesterday, I don't want the fact of the resurrection to simply be good theology. I want to live it. I want the resurrection to shape all of who I am and every aspect of how I live. This is true worship! May God make it more evident in my life. And despite my many shortcomings and failures, I believe that He will, because He is good!
We truly had a glorious celebration this year. On Good Friday, David and a couple of other men at our church took some of the kids to walk through the stations of the cross at an abbey close to where we live.
The service at our church Friday evening filled me with awe as I contemplated all that the Lord has done for us. I was reminded of a poem by Denise Levertov.
On a Theme from Julian's (of Norwich) Chapter XX
Six hours outstretched in the sun, yes,
hot wood, the nails, blood trickling
into the eyes, yes--
but the thieves on their neighbor crosses survived till after the soldiers
had come to fracture their legs, or longer.
Why single out this agony? What's
a mere six hours?
Torture then, torture now,
the same, the pain's the same,
immemorial branding iron,
electric prod.
Hasn't a child
dazed in teh hospital ward they reserve
for the most abused, known worse?
This air we're breathing,
these very clouds, ephemeral billows
languid upon the sky's
moody ocean, we sare
with women and men
who've held out days and weeks on the rack--
and in the ancient dust of the world
what particles
of the long tormented,
what ashes.
But Julian's lucid spirit leapt
to the difference:
perceived why no awe could measure
that brief day's endless length,
why among all the tortured
One only is 'King of Grief'.
the oneing, she saw, the oneing
with the Godhead opened Him utterly
to the pain of all minds, all bodies
--sands of the sea, of the desert--
from first beginning
to last day. The great wonder is
that the human cells of His flesh and bone
didn't explode
when utmost Imagination rose
in that flood of knowledge. Unique
in agony, Infinite strength, Incarnate,
empowered Him to endure
inside of history,
through those hours when He took to Himself
the sum total of anguish and drank
even the lees of that cup:
within the mes of the web, Himself
woven within it, yet seeing it,
seeing it whole. Every sorrow and desolation
He saw, and sorrowed in kinship.
Grace was moved by the image of Jesus with nails in His hands. She kept saying, "I no like that." Her heart of love and compassion is so wonderful to see.
Of course, the highlight of the weekend was the celebration of His resurrection. We start celebrating on Saturday night with a beautiful and exuberant service, and then continue celebrating on Sunday with Jewish dancing, games and crafts for the kids and a fun time of fellowship (and eating!). We had some new friends join us this year, so that was neat.
Yana wanted to draw a picture (icon) in celebration of Christ's resurrection this year. It is patterned off of an icon that we have at home.

I pray that you all had a glorious Easter celebration this year, and that Christ's resurrection fills you with hope and encouragement this day and always!
I love Easter, too!! I'm so glad you enjoyed yours--awesome that you could walk through the stations of the cross.
Love the video, love the artwork (nice job Yana!), and I love Christ! So glad that you also had a beautiful Easter.
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