Just a few words Wednesday
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
the love continues...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
So, today was the big day and I have to say that I think Nyana (the hairdresser) did a fabulous job! Here are Yana's "before" pictures.
Here is our wonderful hairdresser, Nyana, cutting Yana's hair.
And here's sweet Yana, after her haircut! I think that it looks wonderful!! And I love, love, love that special smile!
After Yana's haircut, Nyana told me that the woman whom she was with at Panera was a good friend who had had breast cancer. This friend was the reason why Nyana had volunteered her time at the benefit. Nyana told me that her friend was extremely encouraged by the things that I shared when we met at Panera. I was encouraged, as well! Who but God could have arranged that meeting...my sweet Yana was given the chance to give her hair, Nyana's friend was greatly encouraged, and we made a new friend (and definitely found a new hairdresser!).
By the way, Nyana wouldn't take any money for Yana's haircut. She simply wanted to give her time for the sake of those with cancer. What a special woman!
haircuts and love...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Bright and Beautiful
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Then we went to visit Oma and Opa, and the "cousies." Here is Aunt Susie, reading to Grace. Grace came home chanting "Aunt Susie...Aunt Susie..." I guess she likes her!
Grace and cousin, Noah.
Abie, Yana and Lily, having fun together.
Cousin Nathan must have asked for 50 husgs over the course of the 3 days that we were visiting. What a sweet little guy!
Oma and Grace.
Adam, Jadon, cousin Cobie and Uncle Matt.
While visiting my in-laws, I also had the opportunity to get together with my friend, Mary. What a blessing that was! She is such a wonderful woman. I wish that you all could meet her!
Praying that all of you are also having a "bright and beautiful" week. Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The service at our church Friday evening filled me with awe as I contemplated all that the Lord has done for us. I was reminded of a poem by Denise Levertov.
On a Theme from Julian's (of Norwich) Chapter XX
Grace was moved by the image of Jesus with nails in His hands. She kept saying, "I no like that." Her heart of love and compassion is so wonderful to see.
Of course, the highlight of the weekend was the celebration of His resurrection. We start celebrating on Saturday night with a beautiful and exuberant service, and then continue celebrating on Sunday with Jewish dancing, games and crafts for the kids and a fun time of fellowship (and eating!). We had some new friends join us this year, so that was neat.
Yana wanted to draw a picture (icon) in celebration of Christ's resurrection this year. It is patterned off of an icon that we have at home.
I pray that you all had a glorious Easter celebration this year, and that Christ's resurrection fills you with hope and encouragement this day and always!
A little note about Lily from Dad
Thursday, April 9, 2009

One glance
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The verdict....
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Oh yeah, it appears that I have a little apple nibbler on my hands.
Five months!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
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