A little bit about us continued (see post, below, for the beginning of this post)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yana: She is 10 years old and from Ukraine. Yana likes drawing, reading and horses. We adopted Yana when she was 7 years old. I'd like to do a separate post about how each of our children joined our family. She was our surprise child and her adoption was truly a miracle!

Adam: He is 9 years old and even though Yana is a year older than him, he is definitely still the "oldest" child. He likes playing the violin (first year), sports and figuring out difficult problems in his schoolwork. He is a gentle, sweet boy.

Lily: She is 7 years old and was adopted from China at 11 months old. Lily is very expressive and enjoys ice skating, violin (it is also her first year), worship dance and singing. She is a great encourager of her mom!

Jadon: Just turned 7 years old, 3 days ago. We adopted Jadon from China when he was 23 months old. He likes sports and knights and eating. Jadon has a great laugh and is a firecracker in a boy's body.

Grace: She is 3 years old and living (for the moment) in Guizhou, China. From her report, she likes dolls, stuffed animals and playing games. She is timid, has a ready smile and is compliant (oh, we like that!).

Rosemary: She is 11 months old. She likes to sleep in the sun, chase tennis balls and eat anything but dog food (especially kleenex or napkins).

1 comment:

Debora Hoffmann said...

Sarah, I'm glad I found your blog (I think through the Ukraine Christian Adoption Yahoo group). I would love to hear how God brought your children into your home, and I look forward to watching how He brings Grace home.

From Colorado,

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