Mother Theresa
Isobel Kuhn
William Wilburforce
Hudson Taylor
Gladys Aylward
George Muller
Jacob Deshazer
Brother Andrew
True heroes,
because the thing that defines their lives is...
This past weekend I actually got to see and listen to one of my heroes.
Heidi Baker
My friends, there are some people in this world who are so filled with the love of Jesus that it is a pleasure simply to be in their presence. Heidi Baker is one of those people. She oozes love. Seriously. And the thing that makes her so unique is that she doesn't even want the attention that is given to her. She wants all of the attention and glory to go to our precious Jesus. She considers it an honor to love Him and to love His children.
At the end of her talk on Friday (not really a talk so much as a prayer), she was very tired. But, in a room full of people, she took the time to bless our precious Kaikai. She got down on her knees, told him her Chinese name (she and her husband were missionaries in Hong Kong before moving to Mozambique), hugged him, kissed him and shared the love of Jesus with him. This was no half-hearted love. It was love that gave abundantly.
Oh, my precious Jesus, I want to love like that. I want to learn to love and love and love some more. I want to gladly give my heart away to those who need love. I want to share Your overwhelming, affectionate love with a world who needs heroes who love.
And I know that this is only possible because of Your great love. This is only possible because You loved us first. Thank you, Jesus, for the example of this beautiful hero. Thank you that her love points me to the only One who can fill me with that same love, and who can even transform my little heart into a heart of love.
What a blessing to be able to hear her speak!! Blessings, Jennifer
She is one of my heroes too. I am constantly amazed and challenged by her complete surrender to the Father. What a wonderful experience for Kaikai.
I so wish I could have a picture of her praying with Kaikai. :) That is just too awesome.
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