Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hi! This is Lily! Just today we did a lemonade stand, and we got lots of customers! Me, Grace, and two of my friends did it together. My mom stayed in the car, because we seemed to have more customers when she was out of sight! We did it for Genevieve. We spilled a lot too. We asked for donations, and I think that that helped. It was fun to see how much people would give! Some people gave, and didn't even buy lemonade! We also sold Gatorade. After we thought that no one was going to buy any more, we shut down. After that, my two friends, Grace, dad, and I went door-to-door and told people about Genevieve. One person gave 15 dollars, and another man gave his whole penny jar! I was happy when I saw people give to Genevieve, and how lots of people were able to help someone in need! I think that it also helped me to become bolder. I was bold before, but I'm not sure that I always used my boldness for love! I am glad that today I used my boldness for something good!

God really loves Genevieve, and so do I! You can donate towards Genevieve's surgery too. Chip-in below or on the sidebar.


Gwen said...

Hi Lily! I am so proud of you and your brothers and sisters for wanting to help Genevieve!
What a fun lemonade stand! I'm glad you had lots of customers!
I'm chipping in to help!
Good luck and God bless!

Sarah said...

Thanks so much, Gwen! Every chip-in encourages the kids so much!

The Byrd's Nest said...

Wow! Wow! Wow!!! You guys rock!!!! I am so super proud of all of you:) God is smiling.

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