We are so grateful!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just wanted to note a few things that we are thankful for here as we are in China.

1) Our sweet, precious girl!
2) Our wonderful group. We really have a great group of families who we are traveling with.
3) Morgan, who is traveling with us. What a great facilitator and guide!
4) All of the help from Oma and Opa.
5) That Grace is really enjoying Yana, Adam, Lily and Jadon. They all love to laugh and laugh and laugh. It is such a blessing that Grace is enjoying her siblings.
6) A good afternoon for Grace and Baba. They spent the afternoon together (just the two of them) and had a great time.
7) Great food! We love Chinese food.
8) The time in GuangZhou. It is so fun to have this familiar place to be.
9) A great experience in Guizhou. We enjoyed learning about some of the minority population in China. Also, it is the poorest province in China, and I am grateful to have had the experience of seeing how much of the world lives. It helps me to be grateful for what I have, and to desire to live even more simply in order to help others have the basic necessities of life.
10) An incredible time with some Catholic believers on Sunday. It was so enjoyable to talk with this group of people and also to worship with them.
11) Being here with all of our kids. They've done so well.
12) All of your comments, emails and prayers. Thank you so much!

These are just a few of the things that we are thankful for. There is so much more. We truly have had a blessed time.

I also wanted to note a few things about our sweet daughter, after having her for a week.

1) She has a smile that will melt your heart.
2) She has an incredible laugh.
3) Her first english phrase was "uh-oh". This also happens to be Adam's first phrase.
4) She loves fruit, and is not too crazy about bread products.
5) She loves playing in the bathtub.
6) She is afraid of dogs, but loves to look at Rosemary's picture. So, I think that Rosemary will win her over.
7) She loves to look at all of the pictures in her photo book, and point out everyone in the book.
8) She is a deep thinker. You can see it on her face.
9) She knows how to pout!!!
10) Jumping down stairs is a favorite passtime.
11) The Father loves her and has clearly kept her in His care. She is such a blessing to us!!

We had Grace's medical exam today. She did great. She smiled for the majority of the time. She weighs 12 kilos (about 26 pounds), fully clothed and is 89.5 centimeters tall (not sure of what that would be in inches).

Tomorrow we visit the Safari Park. The kids are really looking forward to this. Hopefully we'll get to feed some pandas!

Please continue to pray for Adam. He's been doing well, but did have one incident with peanuts on the plane ride to GuangZhou. He got pretty sick, but is o.k. now. We're so grateful!


Trish said...

Sounds like everyone is having a great time and you're all doing well. Can't wait to see more pictures of Grace, what a cutie! Trish

Waitingfaithfully said...


Thank you for the great update. So much to be thankful for! So happy to hear that Grace had a good time with her baba. She is making beautiful progress isn't she? Answered prayers!

Sorry to hear that Adam had a peanut incident. Praying for his protection and good health.

I love the thought of all five of your children laughing together--that is a joyful noise! Hope the safari park was fun.

Thanks again for taking the time to update. Am waiting for Kim to post with news of Vivi. They were to receive her Monday afternoon.

Enjoy your time in Guangzhou. I'm happy to know that Grace's medical exam went well.



Mercy said...

Dear Brethren,
God's blessings to you! Thanks for taking time to share your pilgrimage and gratitude for all your blessings. We look forward to welcoming you home and getting to know Grace and her charming smile!
Our love to all of you,
Mercy and Ken

Melanie said...

I'm sure Grace will get along with Rosemary. She is such an easy going dog. By the way, Rosemary is doing just fine here.

89.5 centimeters is 35.3 inches

(Bob) Peterson Family

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