
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

 And he increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.
Luke 2:52

This year has been a year of increase for our precious son, Adam.

This photo was taken a little more than a year ago....

And this one was taken today!!!

Yes. Adam has grown about eight inches in the past year! But, more important than his growth in height, is his continually growth in godliness. I can truly say that over the past year, Adam has increased in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man. What a joy it is to see this young man grow in all of these ways.

Happy 15th birthday, Adam!
You bless us more than you could ever know. You are kind, gentle, full of wisdom and love, and overflowing with godliness. It is a pleasure to be your mom. I love you!!!! May this 16th year of your life be a year of even more increase!


Lisa said...

Happy Birthday, Adam!! Keep allowing Jesus to fill you up so you can be made strong for His glory!

Aus said...

Happy birthday Adam - continue in a like and similar fashion!

hugs - aus and co.

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