there's nothing like it

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

There is nothing like
a good morning hug from one of my boys.

There is nothing like
seeing my boys learn what it means to be a man of God,
or watching them learn to praise their Creator,
or hearing them give words of encouragement to their sisters,
or seeing them (of their own initiative) opening a door for a lady who is walking behind them.

There is absolutely nothing like
hearing, "I love you. You're the best mom in the whole world," from one of my sons.

There is just nothing like
being a mom to these precious boys.

Lord, I'd love to have another son!
But, if not, please give me lots and lots and lots of grandsons.

'cuz hanging out with amazing boys...
there's just nothing like it!

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No Greater Love said...

Your boys are absolutely wonderful!!!!

Jean said...

I so agree!

The are precious treasures!!

Being a Mom of boys is such a joy!

Anonymous said...

I agree. My big and little boy are pretty fantastic!

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