We had such a fun time at the school Christmas party!
Our dear friends, M. and C., volunteered to do face painting and the kids all loved it!
Here they all are...lining up for a turn.
Didn't they do an incredible job?!
These two could be in a traveling comedy show!
The adults had a good time, as well.
We love you, Aunt Joyce!
We played a rousing game of Simon Says (and I'm not kidding when I say "rousing." You have to be on your toes to win with this crew!)
The kids sang a beautiful song for the teachers...super sweet!
They also created some wonderful food art with Miss M. Aren't these amazing?!
During the party, the girls in my class had a bake sale for precious Lucy (who will soon be Heidi!).
They raised over $100 for this beautiful girl.
And in other news, guess what came in the mail yesterday!
one step closer...
Yeah! One step closer!! (((HUG)))
Hooray!! Soon and very soon!!!
yay for the I-800A. I will refrain from saying anything else about it. :o)
And that is awesome about Lucy/Heidi!!!!! We already ate our cheesecake, and most of our macaroons (did you make those?) My poor cake balls were almost all left. :( Hopefully your neighbors will enjoy them!!!!
Night ;)
What a fun post to read!!! And topped off with good news!! I'm so glad everyone had a great time!!! :)
Yeah for good news!!! Every step closer helps!!!
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