"Every fiber of our being was created to receive love and give it away. Nothing in life is more natural than walking in the love of our Father and passing that unconditional love on to others."
Jack Frost
Do you know that you have a Father who loves you with an undying love?
Do you know that your Father is absolutely for you?
Do you know that Father created you to be in relationship with Him..that there is nothing that you can do that will please Him more than to simply love Him and enjoy His presence?
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was reading a book called Spiritual Salvery to Spiritual Sonship, by Jack Frost. It had been recommended to me because of some of the issues that one of our children still struggles with. In many ways, she sees herself as an orphan, rather than a precious daughter.
The book has been so helpful in understanding what makes this precious child afraid to trust. But it has also been incredibly helpful for me personally. Some of the unhealthy patterns that Frost mentions in the book are patterns that I have seen in my own life (resisting authority, frustration for not being noticed for my "good deeds", an "everyone else has it better than me" whiney attitude...and on and on and on).
Can I just say that reading this book has been very eye-opening?!
Can I also say that reading this book has been an absolute gift from a loving Father?!
I'd so love to send this book to someone else who would benefit from reading it. But, be forewarned, although you will be totally encouraged by the outrageous love of our Father that is portrayed in the pages of this book, it is not primarily a feel-good book. It's also not a book of empty psychology or empty religion. It is a book that speaks the truth (sometimes the hard truth) in love. It will challenge you and call you on to love and to be loved. And it will encourage you to put your absolute trust in your absolutely wonderful Father...each and every day of your life.
So, if you'd like to read this book, just leave me a comment. I'll pick a name from among the comments sometime next week.